La Tradicion Pirata
Music, events
It starts as a project to recognize a marginalized culture of the ghettos called Tuky, the main objective was to recognize the music produced by this culture, the Changa Tuky as part of the national folklore.
I made 3 remixes of very significant venezuelan folk songs and the national anthem of Venezuela in Changa tuky.
This interest in the Tuky culture woke up in several people, resulting in many activities where I worked as a cultural promoter. The first was the publication of the book "El Bravo Tuky" which contains my venezuelan athem remix.
Another artist, Victoria Ramirez, worked making paintings about this identity. I curated her exhibition in the Chacao Cultural Center (Centro Cultural Chacao) in Venezuela.
Together with the European Union, the British Council Venezuela and Busca Tu Espacio I was able to organize Changa Tuky dance competitions and dance classes for children and teenagers with Elberth El Maestro, El Rasta, Génesis La Profesora and El Gringo, who are iconic dancers of this movement. I organized also the premiere screening of the documentary "Vamos Para el Matiné" made by El Resort. Together we showed it in different venues.
At the beginning of 2018 I invited Dj BABA who was the creator of the first Changa Tuky songs, to give a conference in one of the most important art spaces in Caracas, the Centro de Arte Los Galpones.