Constitucional Game
SWF file
It is two games in a single application that allows challenging the swearing ritual for becoming a president in Venezuela.
The first game deals with the history of the Bolivar curse, during each swearing in the speech the new Venezuelan presidents always perform the ritual of swearing on the words of Bolivar. In this game you must discover at what moment of the speech the word Bolivar is said and will allow to reach the next level. Each level is an act of swearing from 1999 to 2015. At the end of this game you will find the video of the exhumation of the remains of Simon Bolivar narrated by the ex president Hugo Chavez.
The second game shows those errors of diction, which occur when a new president is sworn, what is directly related to lying. You must find where these errors happen to advance the between levels, swearing presidential speeches from 1999 to 2015. At the end of this game you will find the Traitor Hero, Yendri Jesús Sánchez González, who in 2015, intervenes in the ritual of the presidential inauguration of Nicolas Maduro, and then imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital until 2019 when they found him dead in his room for unknown reasons.